Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stuff blog readers like

In honor of the six-figure book deal that two-month old Stuff White People Like recently earned, a look-back on those far-flung subjects that have often gained inexplicable traction amongst the blog-reading public. And so, without further ado, I'd like to pay tribute to:

Stuff blog readers like

1. Grammatically challenged quadrupeds: I can has laughing.

2. Highbrow voyeurism:
Looking at all these truths that are at core of people’s innermost souls is almost like being close to them.

3. Girl power: Who care about the erosion of reproductive rights when there's another cracked out photo of Amy Winehouse to carp about?

4. News they can use to make the day less crushingly boring: pink writing OMG Paris Britney Gllyllenho

5. Cinderella stories with pasties: Former stripper with brain of box-office gold who you can still imagine, like, stripping.

6. Lowbrow voyeurism: The highlights of motherhood, without all the shit.

What have I left out? Suggestions welcome.

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